Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week of September 29 - October 3, 2014

The last week of the 1st Six Weeks. You survived! The Math Common Assessment for the six weeks will be held Tuesday and will continue Wednesday if it is needed. I urge you to study your notes and journal foldables. Remember that practice makes perfect! We will review on Monday and the last part of the week will be dedicated to converting between measurement systems. Make it a great week students!

  • If you are absent or picked up early please ask for missed work
  • If you are missing an assignment or need to makeup a quiz come by my room during lunch I will gladly help you
  • Attendance is VERY important. Try to make it to class every day!
CSI Class:
If you are absent from class you need to ask for the work you missed.
Attendance is important!

*Responsible: Able to be trusted or depended upon; trustworthy or reliable.

Remember, you are a Magnet student, responsibility is a must.
Have an AMAZING week, and good luck with all your upcoming assessments! :)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week of September 22-26, 2014

This week we will explore constant rates of change and proportional relationships and graphs. We will also be covering conversions between measurement systems. It sounds difficult, but it really isn't. I expect you to have your thinking caps on starting Monday morning! I hope you had a great weekend and are ready to tackle this week head on.

  • The last day to turn in Fundraiser money is Monday 9/22
  • Have your parents sign up with Dojo and bring in signed paper
  • Always turn in homework/corrected quizzes in a timely manner
A little humor to start off the week. :)

Class Elections!

My homeroom class representatives, Raul Salinas and Ismael Talamante! I expect your leadership to blossom and to encourage the rest of the students to do their best as well.

Some students from my homeroom blogging!



Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to Find the Better Buy! (Unit Rate)

You can use this to help you better understand unit rates and how to calculate what item is the better buy.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week of September 15-19, 2014

This week we will start off by applying what we learned last week into word problems. Also, we will cover unit rates, constant rates of change, and proportional relationships and graphs. I have a training on Wednesday so I won't be in school. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior.

  • Bring your binder to class daily!
  • All money for the fundraiser is due this Friday Sept. 19
  • All corrected quizzes due by Friday
  • Make-up quizzes are on your own time (lunch)
  • Be responsible and pick up after yourselves in class
  • Sign up for DOJO points
  • Sign up for the Remind app so parents can receive reminders from Mrs. Gonzalez
  • Progress reports will be issued on Tuesday
  • Student council representatives will be elected Wednesday
  • Student council officers will be elected Friday
Please ask questions if you feel at all confused with anything. I'm here to help! :)
Below is an example of Integers in real world settings!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week of September 8-12, 2014

This week we will continue with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational numbers. I found a link that will be able to help clear any remaining questions about what was covered over the past two weeks. Please make sure to visit it if you are ever in doubt. Make it a great week and don't forget to wish me a Happy Birthday this Wednesday! :)

  • If you have not turned in my detached portion of the syllabus do so!
  • Start on your E-portfolio ASAP! Any questions come see me.
  • Shirt money is due this FRIDAY! 9/12/2014
  • Meet the teacher night is this Tuesday 9/9/2014 from 2-5 PM
  • Last day to turn in number line activity for credit is Tuesday 9/9/2014
  • Please bring your binders to class daily!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week of September 1-5, 2014

This week we will continue with rational numbers. We will introduce addition and subtraction of rational numbers using a number line.

When in doubt ask questions!

  • Shirt money due September 12, 2014
  • Bring all needed supplies this week, no excuses!
  • Meet the teacher night is on September 9, 2014
  • Bring in all the forms that need to be signed, including your syllabus!
  • Thursday is college shirt day
  • Makeup quizzes come see me on your own time
  • Last day to turn in corrected quiz questions is FRIDAY

Honors Math/Pre-Algebra Syllabus

Honors Math 7/Pre-Algebra

Classroom Expectations and Procedures

Ms. Vianna I. Solis:

Ac²E Middle School: 488-6024

Conference Periods: 1:55-3:35PM


Welcome to a Year of Commitment, Focus, and Excellence. I am excited to have you in my class and I am looking forward to teaching you this year. Our class will work hard together to reach our goals and to become OUTSTANDING students. I will work hard to teach you, help you, and treat you with respect. Everyone will be expected to follow the rules in order to create a classroom environment that promotes learning.

Class Materials:

Honors Math/Pre-Algebra:

1 ½ binder (or larger) with loose leaf paper

1 composition notebook

1 package of dividers

Sharpened pencils (bring at least 2 daily)


Class Expectations:

1.       Be seated with all supplies as soon as possible.

2.       Follow directions the first time given.

3.       Respect the rights and feelings of others by not using abusive or offensive language.

4.       Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

5.       Do not eat, chew gum, or groom in class.



Positive                                                                                                         Negative

Ms. Solis can teach!                                                                       1. Verbal warning

You are able to learn!                                                                    2. Student-teacher conference

Praise/Positive notes/Phone calls!                                              3. The following until behavior is corrected:

                                                                                                     • Parent contact/conference

                                                                                                     •Cluster conference with student and counselor

                                                                                                     • Cluster conference with student and parent

                                                                                                     • Referral to Office


Our Class Goals:

1.       We will achieve at least 90% average score on each quiz and test.

2.       100% of Ac²E 7th graders will receive an “ADVANCED” (Level 3) score on the STAAR.

3.       All students will create a digital portfolio to showcase his/her work.


Late Work Policy:

 You are responsible for working at home on any assignments that you do not finish in the class time I provide. All assignments should be turned in on time. If an assignment is not turned in on time, the student will receive the following:

  • 5 pts deducted for the 1st day
  • 10 pts deducted for the 2nd day
  • 20 pts deducted for the 3rd day
  • 30 pts deducted for the 4th day

After the fourth day late, the assignment will no longer be accepted. Zeros can only be made up under extreme circumstances or through special arrangements with the teacher. I will accept late work if you were absent.


In the case of an excused absence, the student is allowed two make-up days for each excused absence day. If you miss the lesson it is your responsibility as an excellent student to schedule a time with me to make up the lesson. You are responsible for missed assignments.

Grading Policy:

Six Weeks Test: 25% of grade

Homework, Quizzes, Classwork, Projects, Journal, Participation- 75% of grade

Testing Policy:  If you score less than an 80% on a quiz you may make corrections for half credit on each problem. It is your responsibility to do this! The only exception is the 6 weeks exam, because of district policy. It will take hard work, dedication, and discipline, but I am confident in your abilities to get it done.


This will be a challenging year and you will have more responsibility as a 7th grade student. Your goal is to become a student who is EXCELLENT- this means that you do your best in everything: behavior, classwork, tests, etc. I will not accept excuses for your behavior. Do all your work, ask questions, be EXCELLENT, and expect success in the 7th grade and in YOUR FUTURE!


Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change should unanticipated events merit it.




Detached, sign and return to teacher


I have read this course syllabus and will adhere to the rules and expectations in my math class.

Student(s) signature____________________________________________   Date:___________


Parent(s) signature _____________________________________________  Date:___________


Parent E-mail Address:___________________________________________________________


Parent contact information:


 Cell #:________________________________   Home #________________________________


Parents/Guardian: Please answer the following questions about your student. I’d like to get to know your student as quickly as possible this year.

Student’s Name: _________________________________________________(please print)


1.     What is important for me to know about your child?










2.     How does your child feel about math?                                                 


Week of August 25-29 2014


Hello 7th grade math geniuses! I am excited to start a new year with you. I have great expectations for this class, and I know you can tackle any challenge that I throw your way. Always come to class with a positive attitude and a willingness to participate! Cheers to a new school year! 2014-2015!